FAF and AAA Joint Offer to Provide FASB Codification (Part 2)

The online platform will offer access to: Original Pronouncements—Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards, including GASB Statements, Concepts Statements, Technical Bulletins, and Interpretations, with NCGA pronouncements and selected AICPA materials.
Codification of Governmental Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting Standards, an integration of currently effective accounting and reporting standards for state and local governments, topically organized within four parts—General Principles, Financial Reporting, Specific Balance Sheet and Operating Statement Items, and Stand-alone Reporting—Specialized Units and Activities.
Comprehensive Implementation Guide—Questions and Answers,a compilation of questions and answers and illustrative material developed to assist financial statement preparers and attestors in the implementation and application of selected GASB pronouncements.
Topical Index,a cross-reference to currently effective guidance in documents included in the Original Pronouncements, sections of the Codification, and questions in the Comprehensive Implementation Guide.

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