Council 2005

Binary Options have been around for a while now but recently (since 2008) have been a hit among the new traders. They were originally introduced as Digital Options and basically, binary means 2 values and in the case of finance mean up and down. This series will be dedicated to teaching the logistics of Trading Binary Options, the in’s and out’s along with various Binary Options Trading Strategies.

Since Binary Options are derivatives (rely on underlying assets), the lessons outlined here may overlap with other series. Especially the case with Forex since that is the market that I focus my attention on because I find it easier to use Forex as the underlying asset for Binary Options Trading compared to other markets. Thus, the lessons here will give you the ability to trade Forex Binary Options.


It doesn’t take a genius to realize how flawed the binary options industry is nowadays. Internet marketers have destroyed the markets by flooding it with misleading information and products. Doing a simple search on Youtube or Google will yield 100′s of binary options scams. I couldn’t stand by and watch, as more and more traders were being misled on a daily basis. So I’ve made a series of binary options educational videos here at Financial Trading School to help new and old traders alike.

As you’ll soon realize after watching my videos, I’m not here to bullshit you or waste your time. At the same time however, I’m not here to hold your hand, trading binary options is a hard task and is not fit for everyone. All of the videos I’ve provided are free of charge and are uploaded on Youtube, so you can watch them at your leisure anytime and anywhere you want. All of the lessons are taught from a neutral standpoint, what you do with the information is up to you. This is where the hard work comes in, you’re expected to put in the effort to figure out. Don’t worry too much though, I provide plenty of chart examples to illustrate the theory.


Below you’ll find the complete index of all my lessons in the Binary Options (BO) series. Simply click on the course code to watch the lessons, also please take note of the pre- and co-requisites. I hope the videos help you as you venture into the world of Binary Options.

PS: Some of the lessons were taken from my original How to Trade Binary Options series from Financial Trading Journal, so you might see some overlap in content.

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